The Growtime Show


Proverbs 11:24-26


Explore surprising biblical truths around financial prosperity, generosity in giving, the spiritual value of ethical business, and why our beliefs and actions directly impact whether we experience abundance or poverty. Gain freedom from unhealthy attitudes toward money.


We dive into (widely misunderstood) biblical concepts around money, generosity, giving freely, and how “withholding unduly” leads to poverty… while ethical selling and business is blessed by God. Key ideas covered include:
  • Tight control of money & resources anchors you to a scarcity mindset. Generosity expands capacity.
  • Giving generously retrains your brain to see money as infinite rather than scarce. This leads to abundance.
  • Verse 26 says blessing comes to those who sell goods/services, not just give stuff away. Ethical business matters.
  • Holding back your skills and offerings leads to lack for you and others. Walking in your gifts benefits all.
  • As our beliefs dictate our reality, embracing concepts like money’s cyclical nature optimizes success.
  • Prosperity requires tapping the unlimited creativity God put in you. Are you being stingy or scared with that?
  • When we use the talents God gave us to meet needs, we all rise higher through trade & interdependency.

Top 3 Growth Tips

  • [5:50] Holding resources too tightly leads to poverty. Stay openhanded.
  • [12:38] Giving generously expands your belief in abundance.
  • [23:53] Blessing comes to those who ethically sell goods and services.

For more tips, discussion, and behind the scenes:

About Ken Ott:

Kenneth Ott is an owner of multiple businesses, entrepreneur, husband, father, and Christian leader. Ken is the co-Founder of Metacake, an Ecommerce Growth Team and Dough Capital. Ken is an author, speaker, and business coach. To connect or learn more, visit: 

Show Highlights

[00:57] Success is mostly mental - changing thinking optimizes any endeavor
[5:50] Holding resources too tightly leads to poverty. Stay openhanded.
[8:23] God's laws tap secret principles for success woven into fabric of the universe
[12:38] Giving generously expands your belief in abundance.  Reorients thinking.
[15:44] When you invest big, your income must rise. This expands your vision.
[18:28] Refusing to use your gifts curses yourself and others. Must build & create.
[20:21] People need to buy things. Withholding useful goods only hurts all.
[23:53] Blessing comes to those who ethically sell goods and services.
[26:59] Are you being stingy or fearful with resources and talents God gave you?
[32:21] If your fruit stays hidden inside, it rots.  Must bring it out for others.

What is The Growtime Show?

Exploring the principles for living a high-performance life.