The BivBros Show

Special guest Alison Kendrick shares her feelings about being on a tour bus for the entire month of December with the BivBros (and other members of Jump, Little Children). A month of many new experiences for our favorite digital marketist, including her introduction to the Buffyverse.

Show Notes

  • Alison, an extrovert, was surprised at how little "hang time" there was , as the rest of the band has learned that conserving energy is the way that they survive. Generally, she had a great time, but was surprised about how full days ended up being. That being said, she felt like she hit her stride towards the end of it and walked away really enjoying being on a tour bus for a solid month. Rock and roll is surprisingly difficult.
  • Evan learned over the past few years that putting his energy into the right place is key…the band has never been into "uppers and downers and booze and hospitals", or "the Motley Crue Model".
  • Matt wasn't surprised, but he is always surprised: even when exhausted, playing music for human beings is an energizing thing. Being a part of a community like Jump's is an energizing thing.
  • Matt pronounces the word "horror" as "harrer". True fact, and a very strange one.
  • Talk of what happens on tour turns to talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a seven-season 90s TV show that is many people's entrance into the Whedonverse. 
  • Vampires are coming back, right? A new Dracula TV show, Marvel's Blade and Morbius, etc. We do our best to ignore the whole Twilight concept. Sorry. 
  • Blade produced one of Evan's favorite daily phrases: "Always some motherf$*#er trying to ice-skate uphill". Morbius features one of of Evan's more hated actors: Jared Leto. 
  • Does anyone (besides Evan) remember a Canadian vampire cop show called "Forever Night"? No one else did. No one does.
  • We probably need to do a full podcast on Joss Whedon. That's probably a thing we should do.
  • Zombies? Probably also for another show, but treat yourself and watch Anna and the Apocalypse. 

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What is The BivBros Show?

Evan and Matt Bivins live in two different cities. They develop websites and software, play rock and roll, and talk about movies, TV, books, comics and music.