The Inventory Professional

Tenant feedback has, for years, been either a phone call to the landlord, an email to the agent or scrawled notes on a printed out report that was more likely to be 'misplaced' then read. But should we paying more care and attention to the comments or fear the feedback?

Show Notes

In this episode of The Inventory Professional; we look at the different options to capture tenant feedback and what to do with it!

Sián explains that tenants that take the time to comment are likely to be more involved in the tenancy process and is a way of engaging with clients and giving tenants a much needed 'voice'.

The hosts try and drill down to what are the barriers to tenants, landlords and agents engaging with the report; is it a case of too much detail that is confusing and makes reading it more like 'trudging through treacle"?

Melissa reflects on her experience with more than one report where measuring of the finest of marks gets the tenants full attention and wants to know if using language that is plain and simple, that everyone understands is the key to a successful inventory reporting service?

Listen in as we discuss whether toning down the use of acronyms will help people to engage with the property reports and why gearing the report towards the adjudicator should always be every service providers aim.

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What is The Inventory Professional?

This podcast is designed for property inventory clerks and service providers, presented by InventoryBase Academy