
The biggest Mac is in town! General Douglas MacArthur that is, not the McDonald’s burger as Ethan was hoping it would be! General MacArthur comes to visit the 4077 and recognize them for all the great work they do. This sends everyone into a tizzy preparing for the visit…except Hawkeye and Trapper, of course, who stay as cool as cucumbers (or as cool as the pickles you’ll find on a real Big Mac). 

General Douglas MacArthur

Music credit: 
“Feel Good Rock” by Jason Shaw, 

Contact the show:

@valiantlyoffbalance on Instagram 
@OfficialVOB on Twitter 
@mashmouthpod on Instagram 
@EthanWasCool on Instagram and Twitter 
@unvanesscessary on Instagram

What is MASHmouth?

Vanessa and Ethan are two twenty-somethings with a sincere love for the classic sitcom M*A*S*H and its history. Join them as they go through every single episode of the series and examine it through an appreciative, yet critical modern lens.