Career Education Report

America’s aging infrastructure and energy system are in dire need of an upgrade. Dr. Jason Altmire talks with Philip Jordan, vice president and principal researcher of BW Research, about how the jobs needed to upgrade our infrastructure and transition to clean energy are already facing worker shortages.

Show Notes

America’s aging infrastructure and energy system are in dire need of an upgrade. However, with industries already facing worker shortages, who will do this work? Dr. Jason Altmire talks with Philip Jordan, vice president and principal researcher of BW Research, about which sectors have a shortage of workers and what career schools, trade unions, and others can do to circumvent these shortages.

Many of the jobs needed to upgrade our infrastructure and transition to clean energy are already facing worker shortages. To get more people back into the workforce, we're going to need to make sure everyone knows about these opportunities. Philip says career schools can help by highlighting their graduates' success stories.

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Creators & Guests

Dr. Jason Altmire
Jenny Faubert
Laura Krebs
Reese Clutter

What is Career Education Report?

Career education is a vital pipeline to high demand jobs in the workforce. Students from all walks of life benefit from the opportunity to pursue their career education goals and find new employment opportunities. Join Dr. Jason Altmire, President and CEO of Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU), as he discusses the issues and innovations affecting postsecondary career education. Twice monthly, he and his guests discuss politics, business, and current events impacting education and public policy.