Opening Weekend

3 men. 100 episodes. 247 movies.  Innumerable hand-farts.  
IN A WORLD…where movie theaters closed their doors during a worldwide pandemic, three best friends decided to hop into their mental DeLoreans, go back in time to talk about movies & opening weekends from the last 40 years, and bask in the buttery glow of nostalgia.  
Three and half years later they arrive at their 100th and final trip back in time…twice! 
First, the boys head AAALLL the way back to where it all started: early summer of 1977, and William Friedkin’s Star Wars squashed thriller, SORCERER.  
And then, in a space/time continuum-shaking rift, they jump forward to 2015 and the last time all three of them were in a movie theatre together, screaming their heads off like John Boyega, watching STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS. 
And finally, the boys raise a glass to some MORE nostalgia with the Fourth Annual Golden Sheila Awards ©.  
PLUS a final visit from The Arthropod Squad and Gene Gene the Punning Machine: Mr. Shalit, himself.  
ALL the feels and ALL the farts on EPISODE 100 of OPENING WEEKEND!

What is Opening Weekend?

In a world where cinemas have closed their doors (at least for the time being), "Opening Weekend" celebrates one of the many things we’d all love to be doing right now - going to the movies on a Friday night with our friends... Every week, Jason O'Connell, Fred Berman, and Dan Matisa (best friends, professional actors, and self-professed movie geeks) look back at a different opening weekend from the last 40 years, and bask in the warm, nostalgic, popcorn-buttery glow of going to the movies.