University of Minnesota Press

Josef Nguyen’s THE DIGITAL IS KID STUFF narrates the developmental arc of a future creative laborer: from playing Minecraft, to DIY innovation with Make magazine, to selfies on Instagram, to the Creative Science Foundation and imagining technological innovations using design fiction. Nguyen is joined here in conversation by Carly Kocurek and Patrick LeMieux.

Show Notes

Josef Nguyen’s THE DIGITAL IS KID STUFF questions constructions of creativity, childhood, entrepreneurialism, and technological savvy, toggling between techno-pessimism and techno-utopianism in the process. The book narrates the developmental arc of a future creative laborer: from playing Minecraft, to DIY innovation with Make magazine, to selfies on Instagram, to the Creative Science Foundation and imagining technological innovations using design fiction. Nguyen is joined here in conversation by Carly Kocurek and Patrick LeMieux.

Josef Nguyen (he/him) is assistant professor of critical media studies at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Carly Kocurek (she/her) is associate professor of digital humanities and media studies at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Patrick LeMieux (he/him) is a media artist, game designer, electronic musician, and associate professor of cinema and digital media at the University of California, Davis.

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