Opening Weekend

This week the boys take a deep dive into the releases from January 18, 2008: the found footage monster/disaster movie, CLOVERFIELD, the disaster of a rom-com movie, 27 DRESSES and the Diane Keaton disaster, MAD MONEY. Get ready for some shakey-cam-induced cinematic nausea on Episode 68 of Opening Weekend!

Show Notes

This week the boys take a deep dive into the releases from January 18, 2008: the found footage monster/disaster movie, CLOVERFIELD, the disaster of a rom-com movie, 27 DRESSES and the Diane Keaton disaster, MAD MONEY.   Get ready for some shakey-cam-induced cinematic nausea on Episode 68 of Opening Weekend!

January 18, 2008: It’s a strange, confusing time for folks this week.  Fred is trying to wrap his head around becoming a father, Jason and Dan are trying to wrap their heads around living apart from one another, and every screenwriter in Hollywood is trying to wrap their heads around making MAD MONEY make sense. And as CLOVERFIELD’s updated version of Godzilla takes out  most of Manhattan, 27 DRESSES’ Bridezillas take out the entire Rom Com genre. B-B-B-Benny and the JesusPleaseMakeItStop.  Dan’s serving up a fresh pot o’joe and hash browns on Episode 68!

What is Opening Weekend?

In a world where cinemas have closed their doors (at least for the time being), "Opening Weekend" celebrates one of the many things we’d all love to be doing right now - going to the movies on a Friday night with our friends... Every week, Jason O'Connell, Fred Berman, and Dan Matisa (best friends, professional actors, and self-professed movie geeks) look back at a different opening weekend from the last 40 years, and bask in the warm, nostalgic, popcorn-buttery glow of going to the movies.