One Country Project's Hot Dish

From baseball to Iowa politics and the fight for democracy in rural America, Heidi and Joel get the hot dish on the issues at the forefront of rural Americans' minds.

David Pepper highlights the power of state and local governments in shaping democracy and discusses nonpartisan outreach efforts to counter attacks on democracy. J.D. Scholten shares the changes he has witnessed in the Iowa legislature and emphasizes the need for grassroots engagement. Sister Simone shares her experiences engaging with rural communities and the importance of understanding and empathy.

David Pepper is the author of a new book called Saving Democracy.

J.D. Scholten is a rising star in Iowa politics and baseball.

Sister Simone is an American Roman Catholic Religious Sister on a road trip across the South to hear what's on the mind of Southern rural Americans.

To find out more about the One Country Project, visit our website.

Creators & Guests

Heidi Heitkamp
Joel Heitkamp
Caroline Cooper
Ismael Balderas-Wong

What is One Country Project's Hot Dish?

The Hot Dish delves into the most pressing issues facing rural America. Hosts Heidi and Joel Heitkamp speak with policymakers, advocates and everyday Americans living across rural America about what's happening across the heartland and what should be done to make life better for rural America.ct's The Hot Dish, former U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp serves up insight into issues affecting rural Americans.