Influencers Global Ministries

Influencers Global Ministries Trailer Bonus Episode 308 Season 1

Testimony from Roman Nunn, Finding True Identity through Surrendering

Testimony from Roman Nunn, Finding True Identity through SurrenderingTestimony from Roman Nunn, Finding True Identity through Surrendering

We hear from Roman Nunn, an Influencer from Northwest Arkansas, who talks about his story of finding faith at a young age and then pursuing the world, even finding great success and then, going through a difficult period of sifting and even some mental illness.  But God helped him find his true identity in Christ and as a son of the King as he finally surrendered to Him.  He also talks about his Journey group and his amazing guides who were not just facilitators, but friends who invested in his life and nurtured him back to life.  It’s a great story.

What is Influencers Global Ministries?

Our Mission:
To encourage and influence individuals toward an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, through a journey to spiritual intimacy.

Our Vision:
To transform lives through a 9-month Journey, enabling them to be a positive influence to their world around them.