Monday Morning Pastor

Doug and Bob talk prayer, faith journey, culture, and the arts with our second time guest David Taylor.  For those not familiar with David, he is a theologian, author, speaker, priest, and director of initiatives in art and faith. A professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, he has lectured widely on the arts, from Thailand to South Africa. He has written for The Washington Post, Image Journal, Theology Today, Worship, Religion News Service, Christianity Today, and Books & Culture, among others. He lives in Austin with his wife Phaedra, a visual artist and gardener, and his daughter Blythe and son Sebastian.

David’s Book: Prayers for the Pilgrimage: A Book of Collects for all of Life.
David’s Website:

We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line. 
Doug – 
Bob – 

**Monday Morning Pastor is produced by the incredibly gifted Joel Limbauan. Check out his great video and podcast work at On a Limb Productions 

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What is Monday Morning Pastor?

Monday Morning Pastor is a weekly podcast to encourage, equip, challenge and resource pastors and church leaders on Monday mornings. Monday is the hardest day of the week for pastors and the day pastors need the most encouragement. We want to tell and hear stories of hope and encouragement in the midst of this unique place in culture where the negative ministry stories seem to get all the airtime. Our hope is that these stories resonate with and remind pastors why we stay in the game. It is a podcast that gives pastors hope and a safe place to take off their collar, robe or tie and be people who need receive the good news on the day we feel most vulnerable. Our podcast will consist of interviews, conversations and resources from pastors and ministry leaders. We’ll have a new episode loaded up each Monday morning throughout the year (but, of course, you can listen on any day you wish). We invite you to join us and listen to the Monday Morning Pastor, where pastors can be people.