Content Matterz

Podcasting has the potential for so much good. In this Content Matterz episode, Eric Kasimov discusses how podcasting has helped create opportunities for self-betterment and meaningful conversations.
Podcasting isn’t just about seeing how many followers, listeners, or subscribers you can get. It has dynamic and multi-functional purposes- training employees, sharing insights or opinions on particular topics, gaining knowledge, staying in touch with your network, self-betterment, and learning to communicate (just to name a few).
You have a unique talent stack. You have stories and insights to share. There are people out there who want and need to hear it. And of course, podcasting can open doors to conversations and connections you otherwise might not have had. Creating, discussing, learning, and sharing. That is what podcasting is all about. And you should consider it. Content creation that is. In some way that works for you.
And yes, you should consider creating content for your personal brand and business.
Whatever story you want to tell, we want to help you tell it. From ideas and strategies to meshing it with your brand, KazCM is your storytelling team.
Create or build your content platform. Contact us today to learn more about our content creation services. 
Useful links from this episode:
  • KazCM | creating content with you on the self-betterment path.
  • KazSource | helping leaders create opportunities for their business.
  • SportsEpreneur | The content platform where sports and entrepreneurship collide!
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Wrap Up:
  • Thank you so much for listening to this Content Matterz podcast episode, “Thanks to Podcasting” | #ContentMatterz.
  • This podcast episode of Content Matterz exists because of KazCM. The content creation company inside KazSource. It’s all about the content. Content creation, content usage, and content distribution. Why? Because we love helping entrepreneurs create and share amazing content.
The post Thanks to Podcasting appeared first on KazCM.

Creators & Guests

KazSource is a dynamic company managing a portfolio of brands & projects in the areas of podcasting, production, sports, insurance brokerage, and mental health.

What is Content Matterz?

Entrepreneurs often need help communicating their story. That’s where the Content Matterz Podcast comes in! Short snippet episodes giving you ideas, inspiration, and marketing tips. With our experience and execution in content creation and content distribution, we hope to help you create genuine content. Authentic content will provide you with opportunities, relationships, and a platform for you and your business. This podcast exists because we are passionate about helping entrepreneurs create and share amazing content. And because content matterz!