
Newfield Trailer Bonus Episode 5 Season 1

Bonus content: Interview and ghost story with Walt Matis, New England Historian

Bonus content: Interview and ghost story with Walt Matis, New England HistorianBonus content: Interview and ghost story with Walt Matis, New England Historian


Delve into the true history that inspired NEWFIELD. Tracy speaks with Walt Matis, historian and staff member at Fairfield Museum and History Center about the New England witch trials, colonial gravestone symbolism and the Puritan's view of life and death. As a bonus to the bonus, Walt tells the ghost story of Fairfield's Penfield Lighthouse.

Show Notes

Learn more about New England history by visiting the Fairfield Museum and History Center.

What is Newfield?

When High School Senior Jane Barnes moves to Newfield, she discovers the quaint New England town's cruel history has a surprising importance to her own life.