The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

Promote What You Love

Show Notes

Promote what you love, not what you hate.  Hate, anger, and fear keeps you in a controllable state.  Raise the way you look at things, raise your perception, raise your way of thinking.  Be empathetic, just be,  my friend, just be.  We are all different, yet, we are all in this together, everything is connected,  yet with individual autonomy, it is how we move though life.  The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show & Podcast...listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat daily on Mixcloud, Player FM, Stitcher, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, and Pocket Cast, and APPLE iTunes! AND NOW ON MORNINGS IN CANADA! Hamilton Co-Op Radio! Follow the show on TWITTER JimPrell@TMusicAuthority! Are you listening? How does and can one listen in? Let me list the ways...Listen LIVE here - Podcast recorded here - Take a moment and share this post! Share it! Share it!! Share It!!! SHARED! The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show & Podcast! Please check out my shows special recorded hour, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT Now Rocking The KOR! ALSO! Hear a completely different recorded hour of Power Pop, Rock, Soul, Rhythm & Blues...NO TWO LIVE SHOWS THE SAME, Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Pop Radio UK 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! October 21, 2020, Wednesday, three for three…
Joshua Radin - What If You
Salvatore Baglio - 08 45  [Sonic Doom- A loFi Home Companion]
Open Sound - 01 Scare Easy [The Covers EP]
Les Robots - 05_Fear The Mechanical Brain (Bickerton Records)
John Howard - Piano Piece In E Flat [Across The DoorSill - Special Edition]
XTC - Ballet For A Rainy Day
TheHeat- High School Sweater
The Hi End - Feed My Need  [Class Kicks] (Rum Bar Records)
Irv Lyons Jr. - At The Dinosaur [Doing It All]
The Jellybricks - Rock'N Roll Suicide [Suckers]
Chris Church - You Are The Thunder [Backwards Compatible](Spyder Pop Records)
Laissez Fairs - 02_Like Mrs Peel In Leather [Empire Of Mars](Rum Bar Records)]
Pip Blom - 06 Babies Are A Lie [Singles](Persona Non Grata Records)
Matthew Milia - 09_Why Is It [Alone At St. Hugo’s]
Three Hour Tour - A Girl That I Once Knew
Scott Roberts - 12 Vanity Fair [East Side Story-Frank TM Collective]
Dirty Sidewalks - With a Girl Like You
Stephen Lawrenson – Thank You [IPO Vol 13]

What is The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show?

The Music Authority bringing Power Pop, Rock, Soul, Rhythm & Blues to anyone and everyone who has courage, is brave enough to not follow the crowd, the masses (the “M” is always silent!), trusts in themselves enough to listen to SOMETHING completely DIFFERENT! How did I get here....I worked in radio since High School...WCSQ-FM, onto College at WOCC, to the professional commercial world WKFM, WOSC, WGES, WHEN, WRRB, WPCX, WMBO, WCSP, WMMB, WBVD, WIXC, WHKR. Over the years I noticed that music I enjoyed was not getting played and after leaving the industry for 13 years, I chose to come back and serve the music styles I enjoy and hopefully you will too! The biggest question being asked is "What format is The Music Authority?" And The Answer IS..."Whatever I want to play or whatever my friends and listeners ask for!”