Rick Daniel: Forced to Tell All

Richardo's Records, an ambition that Rick Daniel overshot. Learn about how Rick Daniel maybe, almost, might-have, changed the face of the music world as we know it.

Show Notes

Rick Daniel is a Professionally Famous Celebrity. Years after signing a contract to do a limited podcast series in his old age, 85six31 Productions have come to claim what they want. Rick, on the other hand does not wish to continue to do this, but is doing it to avoid a heavy lawsuit. 

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What is Rick Daniel: Forced to Tell All?

85six31 Presents: 'Rick Daniel: Forced to Tell All' a limited podcast series. After unknowingly signing a contract with 85six31 Productions, Rick Daniel is forced to sit in the studio and record a series of podcasts. Rick Daniel is a peculiar person, known to many, but if you don't know who Rick Daniel is, you should take a listen. Discover the real Rick Daniel, the one behind the mask.