The Woman Podcast

The Woman Podcast is excited to launch a new teaching series through the Gospel of Luke. Our friends, Rebecca Shatswell and Heather Hoyt will be leading us through scripture and helping us better understand how to read God's word on our own.

Show Notes

The Woman Podcast is excited to launch a new teaching series through the Gospel of Luke. Our friends, Rebecca Shatswell and Heather Hoyt will be leading us through scripture and helping us better understand how to read God's word on our own. 

This week covers chapter five of the Gospel of Luke. To dig deeper into this study, you can use these discussion questions: 

  1. Jesus heals a paralyzed man and a man with leprosy, but He also forgave their sins. Why does He do both? What are the significance of these interactions.
  2. As Jesus traveled from place to place, news of his ministry spread when He healed people. What does this tell us about the purpose of miracles? 
  3. Why did Jesus heal on the Sabbath? Why did it infuriate the pharisees?
  4. Read the story of the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50. What was most precious to Jesus in this interaction? Why is our faith so pleasing to God? What are you lacking faith for?

On Your Own: Read this passage in Luke 5:13-14. Is there a prayer or request you’ve stopped asking God for? God loves when we approach Him and ask for our needs—and He loves to give good gifts to His children. Believe that God is willing, and ask out of a spirit of humility, not entitlement—knowing that He loves you and cares for you. He is a faithful Father and can be trusted with our lives and every other care in the world.

In preparation for next week, read chapters eight and nine of the Gospel of Luke!

What is The Woman Podcast?

The Woman Podcast, streaming from New Life Church of Arkansas, is designed to invite you into conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and always point you back to Jesus. Thanks for joining us!