Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast

Dr Dan Pronk - Resilience specialist, former Army Special Forces Doctor, author of multiple best sellers, and TV personality.
Listener discretion is advised; this episode talks about some potentially distressing topics and listener discretion is advised.  If you need support check out our support page here.
In this Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast, Matt talks to Doctor Dan Pronk about some directly relevant issues facing First Responders both on duty, transitioning our of service and post service. 

This is such an informative podcast for First Responders and front line workers, covering the complexities of acute and chronic stress effects, and how different levels of training and stress inoculation can help long term outcomes of people subjected to these stressful and traumatic events.  We also talk about how rumination, both as an individual and within groups can be both a positive and negative process, and the importance of having that empathetic support from colleagues is in dealing with the unique situations faced by our first responders. 

Dan identifies some of the unique issues faced by our volunteer emergency services, both from a training perspective and more importantly recognising how challenging it can be for the average everyday community member turning out to serious and traumatic events in the middle of their normal daily life, and how that contrast can require some specific management strategies.

During this chat, Dan talks about the ever present stressors in front line roles, and we have a laugh about how teachers do a job every day neither of us would be comfortable with!  Further we talk about some of those often forgotten roles like Corrective Services/Prison Officers and how similar the issues faced can be across all of these professions including Police and Emergency Services.

Doctor Dan Pronk is the author of multiple best selling books, and also has a free newsletter titled "The Friday First Responder" which is loaded with really relevant short articles for Emergency Service Workers.

Check out Dan's books and sign up for the Friday First Responder newsletter and more on his website:  danpronk.com

We also talk about an awesome podcast on the Unforgiving 60 Podcast, hosted by Dan's brother Ben Pronk and Tim Curtis.  Check out this episode with Dr Richard Magtengaard for some great information about the psychiatry behind trauma exposure and service, including emergency services work.


Get it now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and others: https://linktr.ee/h2hwalk

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What is Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast?

Podcast of the Heart 2 Heart Walk. A long distance walk to raise awareness around First Responder Mental Health and Wellbeing including Suicide, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Premature Mortality. The Heart 2 Heart Walk will take place from the 1 July 2023 from the geographic centre of Australia to the Nation's Capital, taking 3 months and over 2500km. The Podcast will cover everything from amazing stories of Police and Emergency Services workers right through to academic researchers looking at the issues related to mental health of Australia's First Responders.
Instagram: @h2hwalk.podcast