Adopting Joy

We are continuing our talk about the top leadership traits necessary for success whether you are a person in a leadership role, such as a director, manager, or a team leader without direct authority, or simply someone retired doing volunteer work in a leadership capacity. Today you’ll find a NEW list of other important characteristics successful leaders must master. Find out why ‘Rules without relationship equals rebellion’ and what is the Platinum Rule of leadership. Don’t forget to grab your pen and paper to write down all your key takeaways, and how you'll apply them both professionally and personally.

Show Notes

✨ A short recap of leadership characteristics we discussed in part one. 02:31
🤗 Without honesty, other traits don’t matter. 03:55
🦅 Colleen has presented in 48 states. Find out why leadership is all about perception. 04:22
📋 The list of other important common threads shared by successful leaders. 05:43
🤓 Why it is important that others see you as credible. 05:56
📚 Providing resources for learning. 06:51
🙃Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. 07:39
🌞 Giving and receiving honest feedback. 11:02
😩 How to recognize burnout in others and yourself: the lines are blurred between their personal and professional lives. 13:58
❓ Being available and approachable: what is TLC? 19:50
5️⃣ Five core competencies of emotional intelligence. 21:55
🗣️ Sharing confidential information is never a good thing. 25:36
😇 Having the courage to say no. 26:20
🤩 A sense of belonging is so important. 27:26
💎 Recognition is a gem. 28:55
👉 The Platinum Rule. 30:02

👍 Connect with Colleen:
🖼️ Instagram: @AdoptingJoy_
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What is Adopting Joy?

The Adopting Joy podcast was created to help you overcome adversity, follow your fate, and find joy, so you can create your best life. Join Colleen Seward Ryan as she shares inspirational insights and actionable tips, tools, and techniques on topics like dealing with difficult people, how to get and stay motivated, transforming your past into your purpose, inspiring dog stories, and more.
An international speaker and author, Colleen has entertained thousands with her energetic and inspirational keynotes in 48 states and six countries. She loves helping others overcome adversity, deal with difficult people and elevate their confidence. Colleen has made it her mission to inspire others to transform their struggles into successes