Clinical Pearls

Nursing is the nation's largest health care profession, with nearly 5.2 million registered nurses and more than 355,000 nurse practitioners in the United States. With this many members, nurses have the potential to profoundly influence policy on a global scale. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of health care, they are ultimately advocating for their patients.

On this episode of clinical pearls, we are joined by Dr. Eileen Meyer. She is a nurse practitioner and the Assistant Director to Advanced Practice Providers at UAB Medicine, which employs over 900 Advanced Practice Providers. She also is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the UAB School of Nursing and teaches the Health Policy and Politics Course. She served as Vice President for Health Policy for the Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama and now assume the role of Senior Policy Advisor representing over 8,000 nurse practitioners in Alabama.

Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama
American Nurses Association
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Alabama State Nurses Association

What is Clinical Pearls?

Clinical Pearls is a bi-weekly podcast from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Nursing. Faculty and other health care leaders share their expertise and educational resources while discussing current topics.