Dental Acquisition Unscripted

Micheal Dinsio & Morgan Stump, both well versed in the banking industry 🏦 and the world of dentistry. This dynamic duo talk numbers, deals, approvals, and more. Between the two of them they have seen 👀 hundreds of deals $ $ $.  If you are looking to get financing for an acquisition, this is the episode you need to watch or listen to.
In early 2018, Morgan decided to take a leap 🏃‍♂️ of faith and join Provide (then "Lendeavor") as one of the first employees, and the first outside sales team member.  The last 4+ years have been filled with recruiting, scaling, and helping grow Provide, turning it into a key player within the dental lending space. Morgan is passionate about helping dentists 🦷 grow and fulfilling their dreams. 🤩 ·      
Instagram: @getprovide
TikTok: @getprovide
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Michael Dinsio also helps dentists by consulting as a buyer's rep
If you need a partner looking out for your behalf in a transition reach out and ask Michael about that process.
Michael can be found at Next Level Consultants. Schedule a call with him --> Calendly online scheduler 

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What is Dental Acquisition Unscripted?

This podcast covers from START to FINISH How to Acquire a Dental Practice. Michael Dinsio, founder of Next Level Consultants has literally seen hundreds of deals as a banker in the industry & he has personally consulted hundreds of dentists as a Buyers Representative. Michael talks with GUEST SPEAKERS about Due Diligence, Legal, Demographics, and more... He invites experts to the show to help you avoid those headaches and heartbreaks. So start at the TOP w/ Episode 01 and work your way through the transition process. We break it down step by step in a true #UNSCRIPTED and genuine way.