Respond Worship Podcast

Respond Worship Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 10 Season 3

[RWP] S3 | E10 | War General w/ Dr. Shane Wood

[RWP] S3 | E10 | War General w/ Dr. Shane Wood[RWP] S3 | E10 | War General w/ Dr. Shane Wood


In Ephesians 6, as Paul is giving his final encouragement to a church that he loves and prays for, he charges them to cover themselves in the armor of God for this purpose: " that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." There is no doubt in his, Jesus', John, or Peter's mind that in our pursuit of the living and active spirit of God, we will have to struggle against the living and active spiritual forces who are against that. This has clear implications for all Christians, but what does it mean for those serving in worship ministry in their local church? In this episode, join Ryan and special guest Dr. Shane Wood as they illuminate the struggle we have in following Jesus in the midst of constant spiritual warfare.

Show Notes

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The Respond Worship Podcast focuses on the worship minister and volunteer teams; how we can better equip our teams, engage our congregations, and ultimately ignite a community of worship teams.