Connecting Dots

Connecting Dots Trailer Bonus Episode 167 Season 2020




This is the full version of 3M: Minting Millionaire Mindsets and Connecting Dots. Being ruthless isn't ruthless or abnormal. Life isn't easy and being ruthless with your time is key to survival.

Show Notes

Welcome to 3M, a podcast about a better way to think and manage your life. Click on this hyperlink for the 3M.MBA page on the website of Fixed Cost Financial, Inc.  The winning 3M formula involves one or a combination of making more, spending less, adjusting expectations, and having a fiduciary in your corner.  Minting Millionaire Mindsets is a philosophy, not a twelve round boxing match. 3M is brought to you by Fixed Cost Financial.  Fixed Cost Financial is a true fiduciary based investment advisor that is affordable, accessible, and transparent.  With Fixed Cost Financial, you have a true fiduciary in your corner. Try it now at  

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Investing, finance, fiduciary, coronavirus, minting millionaire mindsets, connecting dots, education

What is Connecting Dots?

This is the podcast that takes one or more topics and ties them together with logical and organized thought. Connecting Dots explains the history, current events, and forecasts in a way that will make most nod their heads with the realizations often not seen or thought of previously. New episodes are available each week.