Redemption Unveiled

If you want to take the Adventure God made you for you will have to be willing to do things that make you feel uncomfortable and dare, I even say, anxious.

For many of us, we have come to the wrong conclusion that feeling anxious is a reason not to do things. When in fact, anxiety is often a sign that we are doing something new, something challenging, or something bold.

I want to help you take this adventure you were made for, and I need to help prepare you for what it will entail. One of the things God will definitely do is ask you to do things you don’t want to do. It’s not if, it’s when. And these things He asks you to do will sometimes scare you. In fact, there will be times that you would rather do ANYTHING but the thing He wants you to do.

And it will be in these moments of spiraling that we determine if we will or will not find the Adventure we were made for…

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What is Redemption Unveiled?

Say "yes" to the adventures God has for you & be prepared to do what it takes!