The Product Marketing Experts

Whether your team reports to Marketing or Product Management, it’s important to maintain a balance between your focus on the product and the customer. Too much time on the former and the voice of the customer gets neglected. Too much focus on the latter and you may risk a lack of alignment with the product team. Here to enlighten us on how and when to keep your focus on the right areas, Becky will share her strategy for successful partnership between product management and product marketing.

Show Notes

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Questions covered in this episode:
1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your role at Snow Software?
2. As a leader how do you set the tone, and build a great relationship with Product?
3. At Snow, do you and the Product Marketing team help Product influence the roadmap or provide feedback on the market or competitors?
4. What about when it comes to Go to Market strategy. What processes and systems have you put in place to share information?
5. What information should PMs be sharing with PMMs (and vice versa)?
6. When it comes to GTM strategy, how early should PM and PMM be talking and collaborating?
7. How do you show PMs the value of collaborating early-on and treat PMM as a strategic ally?
8. In your career has there been a PM/PMM relationship, or process that didn't work? If so, can you walk us through that and what you learned?

What is The Product Marketing Experts ?

A deep dive into the craft of Product Marketing with the best Product Marketers in the world. Each week we sit down with Product Marketing experts at some of the fastest growing technology companies in the world. Hosted by Jeffrey Vocell, Director of Product Marketing at Iterable and brought to you by, the leading Product Marketing question and answer site.