Care and Conversations with CarePlus Pharmacy

Breastfeeding a new born child is the most natural thing in the world, but as you’ll discover, it’s not always so easy.

Show Notes

Breastfeeding a newborn child is the most natural thing in the world, but sometimes it’s not so easy. 

When you’ve never done it before, there are many things you may wonder about.  Today, many mothers struggle with breastfeeding, receiving conflicting advice and feeling completely overwhelmed and lost. Occasionally, some mothers do not recognise the warning signs when breastfeeding is not going well and babies with large weight losses are still a frequent occurrence.

Let us put your mind at rest with insights and advice from one of our best lactation consultants Katie Mugan from Nursing Mama where helping women with breastfeeding is her passion. Katie is an experienced/registered children’s nurse and also a mum to four children of her own.

Things We Spoke About

  • What your first ever breast-feeds feel like
  • What is a “let down reflex”
  • How to get a good latch
  • Responsive or scheduled Feeding - which is better?
  • Am I feeding the baby enough,  or too much?
  • #1 reason why mums stop breast-feeding
  • The pros and cons of under or oversupply of milk
  • All about bottle feeding
  • Where to get support


Katie Mugan is a registered children’s nurse and certified lactation consultant. Her specific interest in breastfeeding grew while working in Melbourne, where breastfeeding at hospitals was common. Inspired, she undertook the journey to becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and today helps women across the country with her one-to-one practice called Nursing Mama


“There are tough days, but they do get much easier”
“There's no right and no wrong when it comes to breastfeeding or how often a baby feeds”
“If you're hitting big challenges early on, look at specialist help. Sometimes it's easier to get things under control in the earlier stages rather than leaving them too long. It can have a much more positive impact on your breastfeeding journey”
“You have to do what's right for you”.

Association of Lactation Consultants in Ireland:

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Care Plus Conversations is produced by and brought to you by Care Plus Pharmacy with outlets right across Ireland and at

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What is Care and Conversations with CarePlus Pharmacy?

From pregnancy to birth and onto the first few months with your new baby, we are with you all the way. Mom and Brand Director Lee-Ann Hyland chats with professionals from mid-wives to sleep experts, to give you a reassuring sneak peek of what is to come.