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Positivity is a direction, not a feeling, and *that* is why it's always available. We experience the now, right? That's the space we inhabit here. And if we're drawing this out on paper, the now is a single point, and we get to decide which direction the line of our life passes through it.
This is why gratitude is so damn important. If you can look back at the moment just behind you, and see how it builds you *up* to your current moment, you've just drawn an upward line, passing through those two points. And *now*, you've got momentum - it's easier to keep drawing that line in the direction you've established.
Here's a neat thing: your energetic momentum is stored IN YOUR BODY.
They're listening, these bodies of ours. With each moment that the line of my positivity is held, my body slowly absorbs and then reflects *back* to me that energy. When I've forgotten my positivity in a moment, I can look to my body for encouragement. He changes more slowly than my mind, and I easily find currents of positivity running through him – he grows, he heals, he develops and learns, he feels joy in movement, and he can easily, easily, easily remind me of what I've forgotten.
The reverse is also possible, and true: if I choose negativity, my body hears that, too. I've experienced this. Once your body has heard sadness and despair and worry and snark for long enough, you'll start having that reflected back to you from your very physicality. It's still fully possible to recover, to come back from that place (so long as it's alive, your body has positivity to offer you), but don't make it harder for yourself. Take it from someone who's been there. This is the nature of momentum: easier to build than to change.
And yet (bringing back home here): everything is possible. Positivity is a direction. Begin there. Begin again tomorrow. Let each point of beginning be higher than before, drawing your line upward. Show your body that you're here for the positivity it was made for. Share that intent, and let it hold your momentum as you move. Use everything available to you as you climb. You have everything you need.