SCOR INNOVATION PODCAST Trailer Bonus Episode 9 Season 2

Harnessing AI and tech against diabetes with One Drop

Harnessing AI and tech against diabetes with One DropHarnessing AI and tech against diabetes with One Drop


Diabetes is rising worldwide. Today, over 425 million people have diabetes and projections predict that by 2045, there will be 700 million people with this condition. And despite diabetes can be treated, prevented or delayed with diet, physicial activity, medication and regular screening, every year more than 1.6 million deaths are attributed to the condition. Today we are talking to Jeff Dachis, founder, chairman and CEO of One Drop, a company taking a data approach to help people with diabetes to manage and improve their blood-sugar levels through actionable insights. One Drop combines clinical science, advanced AI, and data points to give those with diabetes, high cholesterol, prediabetes, and high blood pressure the opportunity to make changes that last.


The SCOR Innovation Podcast channel sheds light on evolving consumer needs in Life & Health and Property & Casualty (re)insurance and connects them to global ecosystems.