Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs

I interview Nathan Phillips of Celium.

Show Notes

How Nathan got into web3 and DAOs
Nathan put all of his eggs into the retail basket right before the pandemic, and when he had to close down his business venture, he started getting into crypto and DAOs. The web3 vision captured his imagination and spoke to his values, so he kept going.

Nathan’s current projects
Nathan is working on a new DAO called Celium. He is helping people learn how to navigate the DAO landscape when they are new. They are developing ways to study and improve DAOs, taking a thoughtful and holistic approach.

Common challenges new DAOs face
The most common challenge is getting from an idea to 20-30 people engaged. Nathan also sees DAOs struggle with legal and financial structures or understanding the DAO tooling landscape.

Some of Nathan’s favorite DAO tools
CharmVerse is built with DAOs in mind, and they have duplicated almost all of Notion’s features.

Common growing pains for DAOs
It is rare for DAOs to have a constitution. It is true that a constitution would be a living document, but having that framework is absolutely critical. The rules need to be laid out in order for the DAO to grow and add membership. Decentralized does not mean disorganized.

Connect with Nathan

Connect with Adam


What is Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs?

Just DAO It! is a podcast for people starting DAOs. Are you thinking about starting a DAO? Just DAO It! Every episode will cover recent DAO news, tweets, and posts from around the web. We’ll break down what the news means for you and combine it with great advice from people who have started or contributed to successful DAOs.

Disclaimer: Just DAO It! is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Just DAO It does **not** contain any legal or financial advice. MIDAO also does not provide legal or financial advice, and nor does your host, yours truly.

Just DAO It! is hosted by Adam Miller, the founder of MIDAO, the company that provides legal entities for DAOs.