merc's space

Special guests and fellow podcasters Mark Willshire and Jamie Crawford joined me this week to chat about the most binge-worthy show ever - Cobra Kai! We celebrate its nostalgia with a look back at the Karate Kid films and discuss why it hits all the right notes today, whilst attempting to settle the big question - who is the real Karate Kid?

Show Notes

Special guests and fellow podcasters Mark Willshire and Jamie Crawford joined me this week to chat about the most binge-worthy show ever - Cobra Kai! We celebrate its nostalgia with a look back at the Karate Kid films and discuss why it hits all the right notes today, whilst attempting to settle the big question - who is the real Karate Kid?

What is merc's space?

Welcome to merc's space! Put the kettle on and chill with me and super cool people I know as we chat about film, tv, nature, travel and loads of other generally ace things.
Content to start will include; film and tv reviews and discussions, and interviews with professionals in various fields of nature and entertainment.
If you're into any of that, come on over to merc's space!