Warhorn Blog Posts

President Ryken and the Wheaton Trustees delegated the prosecutorial task to their Task Force of fifteen members and three research assistants, for a total of eighteen. Of those eighteen, ten are paid employees working at Wheaton and directly under Phil Ryken’s authority. Of the remaining eight, three are students at Wheaton and directly under Phil Ryken’s authority. These three are also under the authority of the five faculty members serving next to them on the Task Force.

President Ryken and the Wheaton Trustees are the jury. They have received 122 pages of evidence they paid employees to assemble. Based on that evidence, the president and trustees of Wheaton College have publicly pronounced their verdict. They have declared former Wheaton College President J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., guilty of segregationist racism.

With this pronouncement of their verdict, they have also pronounced their sentence: Posthumously, President Buswell is sentenced to public shaming as well as the removal of his name from the campus library and signage.

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Music is Rise Up, O Lord, a recording of Psalm 10 by My Soul Among Lions.

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