Get a Job, Here's How

Christine Michel Carter has been called “the #1 global voice for working moms” so naturally I had to speak with her! In this episode, Christine and I talk about the challenges of being a working mom, what companies can do to support working moms and what she’s teaching her daughter and her son that she learned the hard way.

Show Notes

We discuss the issues Black working moms are facing and she introduces me to the idea of “ambient belonging”. Listen up! You’ll learn a thing or two, just as I did!

Christine Michel Carter is the Associate Editor for ModernMom, a Senior Contributor to ForbesWomen and her work has been featured in Time and Parents magazines. Big brands seek her out for her insights into how to talk to moms effectively in their advertising and how to hire and retain moms. 

You can find Christine on her website at

What is Get a Job, Here's How?

Founder and CEO of Back To Business and your host, Katie Dunn is here to help you get a job. And she's not just going to share advice on topics in each episode - she is going to tell you EXACTLY how to do it, because "Here's how" are two of her favorite words!

Each episode will have three steps to help you win at your job search! Katie will be with you every step of the way on your job search. She has been a career coach and a recruiter. Helping you get your dream job is her number one priority. She has coached hundreds of people through their job searches so she knows what she's talking about, and when she doesn't, she brings on a guest who does. Learn how to from Katie. This is not pie in the sky, we are actually going to tell you exactly how to do it. And now that you know how, go do it. I believe in you!