Manufacturing Hub

The Beauty and Cosmetics industries have been rocked.

MoCRA - The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act 2022 is the largest expansion of the FDA's authority since it's inception.

That's causing a lot of changes, maybe for the better.

This week on Manufacturing Hub, we welcome Nate Call to help explain what this means for consumers and manufacturers.

Join us as we continue our CPG Deep Dive!

Manufacturing Hub Network is an educational show hosted by two longtime industrial practitioners Dave Griffith and Vladimir Romanov. Together they try to answer big questions in the industry while having fun conversations with other interesting people. Come join us weekly!


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Creators & Guests

Dave Griffith
Dave helps Industrial companies go through digital transformations that pay for themselves.
Vladimir Romanov
B. Eng / MBA - Technical Business Leader With Experience Across Manufacturing & Software Industries

What is Manufacturing Hub?

We bring you manufacturing news, insights, discuss opportunities, and cutting edge technologies. Our goal is to inform, educate, and inspire leaders and workers in manufacturing, automation, and related fields.