The Midwife Crisis

Piyar and Kayte discuss Hair and it’s implications on self esteem, culture and politics.

Show Notes

This episode reviews the intersectionality of hair. We discuss having it, not having it, and how it impacts us
The Casualties of Womens War on Body Hair
2017 English N. Ajaka The Atlantic
“To Shave or Not to Shave”: Pubic Hair Removal and Its Association with Relational and Sexual Satisfaction in Women and Men
2019 Paul Enzlin, Kaat Bollen, Sofia Prekatsounaki, Liesbeth Hidalgo, Leen Aerts, Jan Deprest
10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.04.005 The Journal of Sexual Medicine

What is The Midwife Crisis?

We are two midwives, these are our stories: A candid look into the curious world of women. This is a look at the intersection of the curious world of women and race, culture, sexuality and midwifery. We look from the perspectives of two midwives who are everything but simply black and white. Join us and find out why the crisis, or why not?