Environment and Climate News Podcast

Michelle Stirling of Canada's Friends of Science explains that a decade’s worth of international efforts to end the use of fossil fuels has borne fruit through ESG mandates and similar policies. Crony capitalists reap the benefits while the modern electric grid perishes. Neither laws nor money can change physics, meaning if we want to improve the lot of the world’s poor and maintain our own standards of living in the West, we must continue to use fossil fuels for the foreseeable future. Political efforts to limit fossil fuel use does great harm but doesn’t change the reality of the incomparable benefits delivered by coal, natural gas, and oil.

Show Notes

Michelle Stirling of Canada's Friends of Science explains that a decade’s worth of international efforts to end the use of fossil fuels has borne fruit through ESG mandates and similar policies. Crony capitalists reap the benefits while the modern electric grid perishes. Neither laws nor money can change physics, meaning if we want to improve the lot of the world’s poor and maintain our own standards of living in the West, we must continue to use fossil fuels for the foreseeable future. Political efforts to limit fossil fuel use does great harm but doesn’t change the reality of the incomparable benefits delivered by coal, natural gas, and oil.

Creators & Guests

H. Sterling Burnett
H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., hosts The Heartland Institute’s Environment and Climate News podcast. Burnett also is the director of Heartland’s Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and oversees the production of the monthly newspaper Environment & Climate News. Prior to joining The Heartland Institute in 2014, Burnett worked at the National Center for Policy Analysis for 18 years, ending his tenure there as senior fellow in charge of environmental policy. He has held various positions in professional and public policy organizations within the field. Burnett is a member of the Environment and Natural Resources Task Force in the Texas Comptroller’s e-Texas commission, served as chairman of the board for the Dallas Woods and Water Conservation Club, is a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, works as an academic advisor for Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow, is an advisory board member to the Cornwall Alliance, and is an advisor for the Energy, Natural Resources and Agricultural Task Force at the American Legislative Exchange Council.

What is Environment and Climate News Podcast ?

The Heartland Institute podcast featuring scientists, authors, and policy experts who take the non-alarmist, climate-realist position on environment and energy policy.