Chris Waddell Living It

Storytelling consumed Stephani as a film student at USC, but one of her professors told the class that they didn’t know anything because they lacked life experience. When a car careened out of control and trapped her against her boyfriend’s car in his driveway, she lost her legs, gained life experience and turned the camera on the journey from a near death experience. That journey became a love story that led her to the top of the Paralympic skiing world. 

What is Chris Waddell Living It?

Our greatest risk is taking no risk at all. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete and the first "nearly unassisted" paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro in a handcycle Chris Waddell interviews people, who had been dropped into a situation that forced them to confront everything they'd thought to be true. "Experts in the Experience of Being Human," Paralympians, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, share their fight/struggle/strategy to succeed in the face of adversity.