The Fighting Taters Show

The Fighting Taters Show Trailer Bonus Episode 4 Season 1

9/2/24 - Idaho State Football with Voice of the Bengals Scott Gross

9/2/24 - Idaho State Football with Voice of the Bengals Scott Gross9/2/24 - Idaho State Football with Voice of the Bengals Scott Gross

Idaho State Play-by-Play Broadcaster, Scott Gross joins the show, and Ryan and Lucas talk NFL 53 man rosters and two-deep college depth charts.

The Fighting Taters Show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and wherever else you listen to podcasts.

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What is The Fighting Taters Show? has you covered when it comes to high school sports, but what about the next level? Lucas Gebhart and Ryan Luke break down the biggest stories from Idaho's college athletes and beyond, and explore the top recruiting storylines each week.