Uncharted Territory

Is psychic surgery really a thing? Explorer and Qigong practitioner TeDeVan Kurzweil, once described as a 'wandering Jewish mystic', tells us about his trip to Havana to visit a machete-wielding surgeon named Jorge Goliat, who was recently featured by the Daily Mail. Kurzweil details how the doctor performs rudimentary surgeries while allegedly drinking rum all day, chain-smoking and swallowing metal needles, which he claims he does not defecate. For his Spiritual Schmuck YouTube series, Kurzweil tested the bizarre, and mildly concerning, surgery for himself, which involved having his scrotum cut open with the 18-inch machete.

'If you want to have children, we gotta fix it,' Goliat told him, as can be seen here in one of his viral TikTok videos. 'Take all your clothes off.' Although blood flowed, it soon stopped after an anti-coagulate frog venom was applied, Kurzweil said. He also witnessed Goliat cutting people to varying degrees of depth with his machete, without anaesthesia. There are Reuters pictures of the queue for his surgery. Kurzweil tells Mattha all about his extraordinary life and what's next for him, exploring more apparent metaphysical phenomenons – or hoaxes.

What is Uncharted Territory?

Reflections on the psychedelic revolution, society and consciousness.