Alternative Power Plays

Welcome to Alternative Power Plays, a podcast from Buchanan Ingersoll and Rooney and the Brattle Group. In Alternative Power Plays, we talk all about the new and innovative ways in which businesses are getting electricity to their facilities, buildings and other sites.
John Povilaitis, a shareholder at Buchanan, Ingersoll and Rooney in the firm’s energy practice, and is joined by Alan Seltzer, a fellow shareholder and energy attorney at Buchanan.

On this episode of Alternative Power Plays, we are switching gears and discussing innovations in the exciting world of carbon-reducing, energy recycling technology. And to do this, we are happy to welcome Jim McVaney of Carbon Sink, a company that hopes to develop projects to convert captured CO2 waste into sustainable fuels, energies and building-block chemicals.

For any facility or business considering CHP or more closely examining their energy needs, visit and to learn more about how Buchanan and the Brattle Group can help you navigate all the steps involved.

Show Notes

Welcome to Alternative Power Plays, a podcast from Buchanan Ingersoll and Rooney and the Brattle Group. In Alternative Power Plays, we talk all about the new and innovative ways in which businesses are getting electricity to their facilities, buildings and other sites.

John Povilaitis, a shareholder at Buchanan, Ingersoll and Rooney in the firm’s energy practice, and is joined by Alan Seltzer, a fellow shareholder and energy attorney at Buchanan.

On this episode of Alternative Power Plays, we are switching gears and discussing innovations in the exciting world of carbon-reducing, energy recycling technology. And to do this, we are happy to welcome Jim McVaney of Carbon Sink, a company that hopes to develop projects to convert captured CO2 waste into sustainable fuels, energies and building-block chemicals.

For any facility or business considering CHP or more closely examining their energy needs, visit and to learn more about how Buchanan and the Brattle Group can help you navigate all the steps involved.

What is Alternative Power Plays?

Alternative Power Plays is a podcast that explores the latest trends and innovations in energy generation. The podcast is hosted by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney attorneys and experts, Alan Seltzer and John Povilaitis, along with financing experts at the Brattle Group. Each episode features insightful interviews with industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers who are shaping the future of alternative energy.

Tune into to Alternative Power Plays to hear frank conversations about new energy technologies and how facilities, municipalities and more can prepare for the next generation…of energy