REwatch: A Resident Evil Podcast

SOMEBODY has to have amnesia in these films and we need flashbacks otherwise they won't work!

Show Notes

Like the zombie dogs in this series we're back and you never know when to expect us! We ponder a lot of really excellent questions on this episode while occasionally discussing the film. For instance: is this someone's favorite movie? If you don't survive the apocalypse, is it because you weren't good looking enough? Or maybe you don't look particularly good while dirty and/or sweaty? Do folks on ships actually "log" during emergency situations?


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What is REwatch: A Resident Evil Podcast?

In anticipation of the coming deluge of Resident Evil shows and films coming to theaters and streaming platforms, Andrew and Erich revisit the original franchise—starring Milla Jovovich and written by Paul W.S. Anderson—and dissect what makes them so memorable, the inspiration they drew from the games, and much more.