Ecommerce Excellence

Sometimes a business is more than just a business… even more than simply something you’re passionate about. Leon Lewis, eCommerce and digital marketing lead, and the other folks at REBBL which creates herb-infused beverages, consider themselves to be on a cause to bring awareness about human trafficking and uplift at-risk communities around the world.

Show Notes

Sometimes a business is more than just a business… even more than simply something you’re passionate about.
Leon Lewis, eCommerce and digital marketing lead, and the other folks at REBBL which creates herb-infused beverages, consider themselves to be on a cause to bring awareness about human trafficking and uplift at-risk communities around the world.
Their mission extends to sustainable packaging and more. But they’re also cutting-edge when it comes to digital marketing strategy to build the ecommerce side of the business. 
It can be a challenge, says Leon, to communicate their mission while marketing their product. But it’s essential. One way they do that says Leon: Keep the customer in mind at all times.
We get into that in detail, as well as…
  • The importance of product pages – what to include, what to leave out
  • Why Amazon isn’t a great platform for their product – and what they’re doing about it
  • How they’ve leveraged the subscription model
  • The importance of maintaining a consumer perspective
  • And more

What is Ecommerce Excellence?

The Ecommerce Excellence Podcast helps ecommerce entrepreneurs see through the fog of tactics and discover what’s really working now in ecommerce, so that, you can keep growing revenue without having to fight for more and more traffic.