Hospitals In Focus

As we celebrate to Rural Hospital Week 2022, Chip speaks with Brock, who spent a large part of his career as a small-town hospital administrator, about how Congress can provide a lifeline to providers in small communities and protect access to care for millions of Americans.

Show Notes

In this episode:
  • We’ll discuss the major stresses and challenges facing rural hospitals, including geography, patient mix, a growing workforce crisis, and funding shortfalls.  
  • Since 2010, 140 rural hospitals have closed, including 25 since the start of the pandemic. Congressional support helped keep that number from being even higher, but what happens now as COVID-19 relief runs out? What’s the impact on a small, rural community when a hospital closes?
  • Congress needs to take actions to preserve funding for rural hospitals during Lame Duck session. What will be the impact on access to care if Medicare Dependent Hospital and Low-Volume Hospital programs aren’t extended and lawmakers don’t waive PAYGO?
  • How will divided government affect rural hospital policy moving forward in 2023? Is there room for bipartisan compromise? 

Guest: Brock Slabach, Chief Operating Officer, National Rural Health Association.

Creators & Guests

Chip Kahn
Ismael Balderas Wong
Laura Krebs

What is Hospitals In Focus?

A podcast hosted by FAH’s Chip Kahn that shines a light on everything hospitals; from the advancements in patient care to how a hospital benefits its community.