Marriage Talk

Sheldon and Valerie return to their conversation about having a Rule of Life. This is something they learnt about from Ken Shigamatsu in his book “God in My Everything”. 

Ken talks about how we can experience God in every part of our lives when we are intentional in the way we live, caring for and growing in our spirit, mind and body. He says a rule of life is “simply a rhythm of practices that empowers us to live well and grow more like Jesus by helping us experience God in everything.” 

What is Marriage Talk?

Welcome to Marriage Talk… where we chat about marriage, family and everything in between. We're Sheldon and Valerie Dean and we work with FamilyLife Canada, seeking to bring help and hope to marriages. Our desire is to work through life together here on the podcast. We’re going to talk about different topics in a conversation based style that will hopefully launch you into some thinking and a safe intentional conversation with your partner. We’ll share from our life experience, as well as interview other couples about their life situations and how they’ve handled things. Both the good and the not so good. Our hope is that through these intentional conversations we will all learn to critically think through topics, chat about how these topics are impacting our marriages, and discuss in practical terms what it looks like as we live out our lives. So come join us as we process life, marriage and family in a way that is fun, engaging and filled with help and hope.