Simplavida: Simplified Longevity

In this abridged episode, Paul and Howard discuss the last twelve months in simplifying their fitness. Topics include:
  • What they've stopped doing
  • What they've started doing
  • What they've learned
  • What injuries they've had, if any
  • What they're trying to do over the next 12 months
Premium subscribers get the full episode, plus a complete transcript. More information is available at

What is Simplavida: Simplified Longevity?

Simplifying health, fitness, exercise, Zone 2, and longevity, with your hosts Dr. Paul Kedrosky and Howard Luks, MD. Paul Kedrosky is a frequently injured athlete who, when he isn’t rehabbing, is also a venture investor. Howard Luks is a top sports orthopedic surgeon.

Public excerpts only. To listen to entire episodes, as well as get show notes and full transcripts, subscribe at