Woodside Bible Church Lake Orion

Woodside Bible Church Lake Orion Trailer Bonus Episode 166 Season 1

When God Confronts Our Sin - Confessions: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church - Pastor Stephen Zarrilli

When God Confronts Our Sin - Confessions: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church - Pastor Stephen Zarrilli When God Confronts Our Sin - Confessions: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church - Pastor Stephen Zarrilli

We are beginning a new series, Confessions: Erasing Shame and Experiencing Renewal, where we will look at 2 Samuel to better understand the role confession plays in our lives for us to find renewal. Today, we begin talking about this topic looking at David’s shortcomings when he gave into temptation and sinned against God. We see that the Lord confronts our sin so that we can experience renewal. To an extent, it’s as if we can have blinders on, where we can’t see the sin that tangles itself in our lives. On the other hand, we are aware of it and may turn our heads from seeing it. God lovingly confronts us with our sin because we are blind to it, at times we have despised the word of God, and the Lord is faithful to forgive our sin when we repent before Him. Tune in to our latest sermon on this vital topic, When God Confronts Our Sin, and allow your heart to be open to what the Lord may be confronting you with.

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