Speaking of the Arts

Speaking of the Arts Trailer Bonus Episode 222 Season 1

A fictional Utopian Ozark settlement and abstract metal horses

A fictional Utopian Ozark settlement and abstract metal horses A fictional Utopian Ozark settlement and abstract metal horses


Utopian societies popped up all over the United States in the 1840's and for one Ozarker, Columbia-based novelist Steve Wiegenstein, it was a chance for him to combine his love for an area of Missouri in which his family goes back 5 generations with his fascination for these 19th century egalitarian communities. He talks about his Daybreak series of novels with Diana Moxon and how the history of a legendary and terrifying guerilla fighter intersects with his own ancestors. And in Act Two of the show, Diana chats with metal sculptor, butch Murphy, who went from a career in the sanitized world of medicine to a retirement of rust, oil and the grime of scrapyards. Opening and closing musical credits with thanks to guitarist Yasmin Williams (www.yasminwilliamsmusic.com).

What is Speaking of the Arts?

Speaking of the Arts is mid-Missouri's only weekly arts show. The show is hosted by Diana Moxon, who chats with actors, directors, authors, musicians, festival directors, event organizers, arts curators, and artists about the events they are involved in and also about their own works and their influences. Whilst the show focuses mainly on the mid-Missouri arts scene, Diana's guests have included international composers, conductors, authors as well as artists, musicians, and performers from around Missouri.