Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

Ephesians 1:15-23 // Tim Miller

Show Notes

As we consider the cultural movement of “deconstructing” faith and turn to Ephesians with some hope that it might give us insight into how we can “reconstruct” faith, I wonder if deconstruction itself is not the problem, but instead, it is the quality of the thing we are deconstructing that has lead to disappointing outcomes. I wonder if, too often, we who have faith quickly plateau in our knowledge of God. I wonder if we have not sufficiently experienced the power of God in our lives so that we are captivated and convinced by it.  Far be it from me to put myself in the place of Paul, but as I hear him pray that those who have faith might be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of God, I feel compelled to pray the same thing for myself and for my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sermon Notes:


What is Christ Community Church - Olathe Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.