Pickled Parables

The prophet Elisha had a tough act to follow. This man gave it all up, faced hardship and rejection, yet did the work God called him to. Through him, and the testimony of the Scriptures, we see the importance of discipleship and discipline.
Scripture Explored: 1 Kings 19; 1 Samuel 8; 2 Kings 6; 2 Kings 23; 1 Kings 9
Noah Daily was raised in Weiser, Idaho until the age of 15, when his family moved to the Salem area where he now lives. Right after high school, Noah left for the U.S. Army, spending 5 years active duty serving this nation proudly! Noah is a devoted follower of Christ seeking to know Him better and love people more every day. He desires to go into full-time ministry and become a pastor or a chaplain, helping lead people to Jesus and a better understanding of the Bible.

Alex Pyles is a lifelong follower of Christ who embarked on a journey of faith at the tender age of 3. From serving the homeless with Church at the Park to joining YWAM, Alex's mission is to illuminate the beauty of God's love and provide a balanced understanding of the entire Bible, not just selective passages.
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Music created by Chad Hoffman
Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi

What is Pickled Parables?

Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast where we study, contemplate and testify to the Bible’s incredible teachings and how it leads us to live a better life. Listen to pastors, professors, counselors, evangelists, and Bible scholars share their studies and meditations.