Price of Admission

Jeremy Jobson shares his professional journey, starting from his early career in a trucking company and transitioning to the financial sector. He highlights the importance of mentorship, learning, and navigating career transitions. Jeremy also discusses his experience in a startup company and the lessons he learned about flexible work schedules and leaning into his strengths. He then shares his time at Elevate, emphasizing the value of transparency and embracing one's authentic self in the corporate world. In this conversation, Jeremy Jobson shares insights and experiences from his career journey. He discusses the importance of exploiting the talents of team members and the need for collaboration and listening to others. Jeremy emphasizes the value of taking multiple perspectives and turning the map around to gain new insights. He also talks about dealing with commitment issues and the importance of directness and kindness in leadership. Jeremy shares lessons he learned from his mentors and the challenges of transitioning between jobs. He highlights the significance of embracing failure and learning from it, as well as the price of admission in leadership: acceptance and ownership.

  • Exploit the strengths of your team members to maximize their talents.
  • Collaboration and listening to others are essential for success.
  • Taking multiple perspectives can lead to new insights and innovative solutions.
  • Directness and kindness are crucial in leadership.
  • Embrace failure and learn from it to grow and improve.
  • Acceptance and ownership are the price of admission in leadership.

What is Price of Admission ?

Perseverance stories from all phases of the journey, capturing critical confidence realizations that built character and teams.

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