Rapid Fire Insights

Creators & Guests

Chris Hanna
Chris Hanna an energetic conversationalist with a curiosity that knows no bounds, is your guide to uncovering the essence of their guests. Armed with a background in business and marketing, Chris possesses the uncanny ability to ask the right questions at the right time. His vibrant personality and relentless pursuit of insights create a space where guests can’t help but reveal the driving forces behind their success. Chris is not just an interviewer; he’s a catalyst for uncovering the heart of each guest’s journey
David McCall
avid McCall, is the calming force that keeps the rapid-fire chaos in check. With a strategic mind and an eye for detail, David ensures that every episode maintains its high-energy tempo while still offering a structured and coherent narrative. His passion for understanding the intricacies of businesses, organizations, and political landscapes provides the perfect counterpoint to Chris’s quick-fire style. David’s ability to synthesize information on the spot helps distill each interview into a nugget of wisdom that resonates with listeners.

What is Rapid Fire Insights?

In a world where time is precious, we bring you quick, yet profound conversations with thought leaders, experts, and visionaries from diverse fields. Through a barrage of carefully curated questions, we uncover the core insights, experiences, and perspectives that drive our guests.