Infinite Live with Akasha

Limiting beliefs – Are they the reason you’re stuck??

Show Notes

Limiting beliefs – Are they the reason you’re stuck??

Overcoming limiting beliefs is usually the last step before receiving the abundance you desire…

But a limiting belief is just one type of block – there are others – and until you deal with them, you’ll never reach the next level of income & wealth…


Because you won’t allow yourself to have more than you believe you should have – you’ll self-sabotage, not pursue wide-open opportunities, or any other number of things that will stop the increased income in its tracks…

But when these blocks are gone – you’ll find yourself living up to the potential you already possess and being the powerful person you are afraid to be today…

In this show, you’ll discover:

The top 3 blocks stopping you from living an abundant life – a life filled with love, passion and prosperity…
What is a block – who does it affect & what can you do to eliminate them – permanently…
What key shift in thinking you need to make before you can make more money than ever before…
What tools can you use to replace your un-serving beliefs with new empowering mindsets…
And much more…

The things that prevent one person from growing their annual income from $40k to $50k are the same things that prevent another person from breaking the $1M mark to reach $2M…

At some point, you reach a level of income where your mind says – that’s too much…

And when that happens, you become stuck at a certain level of income – and you will not move forward to the next level until you change your limiting beliefs so that your mind allows you to receive more…

In this show, I’ll share the different types of blocks that you will encounter as you press forward towards a brighter future…

You’ll learn how to raise your vibration to a level that magnetically attracts abundance – and better still, how to possess this new wealth with peace of mind, love & joy…

When you’re ready to make more money & squeeze more of the juice out of life, you need to listen to this show…

What are you waiting for??

Your blocks are limiting you, not serving you – listen now & get started down the path to prosperity, reclaim your financial future & leave the world a better place than you found it…

What is Infinite Live with Akasha?

Manifest The Life Your Soul Intended. Adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

BlissLife with Akasha is a weekly podcast with host Nan Akasha. Come join Akasha's adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

Meditations, readings, chakras, sacred geometry and much more and beyond.

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